Tuntematon sotilas

But one Finnish soldier equals
ten Russians. - Yeah, I reckon.

But what'll you do
when the eleventh comes?

I'm no scholar, but I know the
world didn't come from nowhere.

There must be a God. But he
sure did lots of useless things.

You don't need them stars.
I've thought about it plenty.

I don't see any reason
for ants and frogs.

I think they're useless.
Like bedbugs and cockroaches.

And lice. - You said it.
What good are itching lice?
I mean, you even have
to scratch them dinner.

There's all kinds
of damn bugs.

I looked out of my window
at a steamer sailing

Along the calm river
Just sailing, sailing
Along the calm river
Gee-up, my pony,
don't shit on your pole

For tomorrow's a market day
Relieve yourselves, men!
It's no laughing matter.
We're in for a long ride.

It'll be a lovely day.
Real fine, yes.

A fine start.
Such a red dawn...

A last goodbye, you old
sweat-sucking parade ground.

This dogface's out of here. My
boots've left many a mark on you.
