Tuntematon sotilas

Every time the bosses go by,
our bellies yell for bread.

What would they say
to a backwoods warrior?

You had all day
to cook them.

A pea looking for another,
but in vain.

Every single pea that
belongs there is there.

Those kinds of peas
don't get soft.

You can always cook pea soup,
if you put wood on the fire.

Stop griping! We're all
in the same boat.

The 1 st Company lost their cook.
Shit, they should
have shot ours!

If you don't like the food,
don't eat it.

What's that goddamn crane
strutting around here for!

So you've got some tobacco.
Just rolling Russian smokes, Major.
- Oh, what do they taste like?

Tobacco, Sir, just tobacco.
Have a good rest now.
You'll be needing your strength.

The Germans' advance
is surprisingly fast.

The biggest wishful thinkers
hardly imagined this.

No, but the
calculating ones did.

The golden rule of the German
military: "Don't wish, calculate".

The Russians have
one trump card...
