Ain't no other crew
gonna beat us.
I'll take my share and go.
There are women building a road.
What do you say, boss?
It's no concern of mine -
it's at you own risk.
We're moving to
the front tomorrow.
Be here, or you'll do
ten sentry duties.
OK, I'll be here,
if I'm still alive.
What do you need a blanket for?
- I won't do it on bare ground.
If we get out of
this war alive -
I'll take you to my
village as a stud bull.
He'll get some.
He'll survive the war, too.
He's so crooked,
the bullets miss him.
The only way to affect
a Finn is by example.
Most of all, never show
any weakness! Be like a rock!
Quiet, don't tear
my heart apart.
I remember dancing your tango...
The officers' toast.