I got a family in Karelia, and
you want me to jump like dog.
No way!
We're losing this war.
Sure, court martial me!
I ain't bowing to the brass.
We're half a million men here.
Do you think we're here
to stand at attention for you -
going "Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!"
What you call bowing and scraping
is a symbol of discipline.
Lack of discipline means -
that these half million men
can't do their job -
that of defending Finland.
They're not all like you.
Countless soldiers only
have your bad sides.
You said we've lost the war.
That's not true.
Nothing conclusive
has happened yet.
Everything's lost.
And me laying out pebbles.
Get the Loot here.
Let's do the paperwork.
I've had enough, goddammit!
The battalion will do
fine without you, too.
No man can win a war alone.
I will forgive you.
Not because I feel I must,
but for other reasons.
These are my conditions.
This stays between you and me.
From now on you obey like
everybody else. Understood?
Sure, I got it. I told I'd do
my share of the fighting.
Tell that Lammio
to leave me alone.
You get no privileges.
Behave, and you will be fine.
I almost forgot! You get
leave for prisoners.
I took a Captain.
You will get it.
You've really earned it.