I will take the money.
Exactly 6000 yen.
Thanks very much.
Here's the money.
Aoki's payment?
Shiomi had a big business
with five workers.
Now look at him.
It's the fast life.
Yasumi, dear.
You've squeezed him almost dry.
Thank you for the gift.
Don't thank me that way.
Here's some spending money.
Are you free tonight?
No, I'm awfully sorry.
My brother'illness is worse,
and I must see him.
In Ogikubo.
Buy some good food for him.
- I can't take it.
- You have to. Don't be so worried.
Thank you very much.
Don't tantalize me like that.
Answer me.
What? Your proposal.
How half-hearted.
I can't believe it.
Of course not.