You mean he isn't here?
Didn't he go to see you?
When did he leave?
It's almost a month.
He said he would
talk to you about his job.
He sent us a postcard
only the other day.
Where's the card?
There, In the drawer of his desk.
You're the owner of the factory?
I'm Shuichi Kadowaki's mother,sir.
He's working at your place.
Thanks for your kindness to him.
He's such an inexperienced boy.
And from the country, too.
Thank you so much, sir.
Do come again, dear.
The office is busy now
after the holidays
I don't believe this.
Someone must be jealous.
No fooling. I lost my wife and
family in a air raid.
I'm a widower. It's a sad life.
I'm so sorry.
Let me give you wifely
service next time.