Akasen chitai

Mickey's no kid.
I didn't kidnap her.
No father can snatch our girls
when they're so scarce.

He can't settle up just with money.
70,200 yen in all.
I came to you because of your sister.

One of my customers
has a good match for her.

He might overlook a celinquent.
But not a girl living in the Yoshiwara.
Your older brother
graduated college with honors.

He can't get a Government job
because of you.

Is that so?
So I must come home?

That's right.
We're an old family in Kobe.
My trading company's very successful.
People talk. But if you return,
everything will be all right.

Besides, I married again recently.
You married again?
And Mama not dead a year?

Who's she?
That geisha from Kyoto?
Or your Osaka girl?
Which of your mistresses,
did you pick?

You don't understand.
A wife is the axis of a household.
A household without a wife
isn't trusted by the public.

Axis of a household!
Business won't prosper without one!

Why didn't you treat Mama more kindly?
