I guess l will.
I'm mighty sorry
this had to happen, Clyde.
I'll give this to Joe when l see him.
Everybody goes off the deep end
sometime or another, don't they?
Yes, sir.
All the same, l don't think
we should spread this around.
- Spread what around?
- That's the idea.
Boys seem a little touchy these days.
Yes, sir, they are.
While we're on the subject, Colonel...
There's something that l'd like to say.
The morale of this company is in what
l consider to be a dangerous condition.
Oh? And what do you suppose
brought this about, Lieutenant?
I think it stemmed from
what happened at Aachen.
Colonel, l know you
and Captain Cooney are very close.
Maybe l'm sticking my neck out on this,
but the feeling among the men is that
the captain... that he chickened out there.
That your opinion, too?
He had the only reserve.
He might've done something.
On the other hand he may have felt
his reserve wasn't strong enough.
Then the facts are hardly conclusive.
It's not a matter of conclusive facts, sir!
Colonel, can l talk to you straight?
Rank and all that aside?
I don't see why not.