Too many cigarettes.
From now on, l'm gonna stay healthy.
- You're healthier than he is.
- That's for sure.
- You're lucky it wasn't uphill.
- He'd have never made it.
- Not with all the lead he's carrying.
- That's where l want the lead.
- Nowheres else.
- Maybe he's right.
Sergeant Kelly got it in the gut.
So did Lucas.
- They got Lucas?
- Yes, sir. I seen him fall.
A medic ran over to him.
How about the rest of Johnson's squad?
Liegert caught one in the throat.
It looked like...
Lucky five of us got here.
They really threw it at us.
It wasn't Wiener schnitzel, huh, Sarge?
A German cook can kill you just as quick.
Kelly. Lucas.
- You're sure about Liegert?
- Yes, sir.
I'm telling you, it's miraculous.
I don't know how l got here.
You know what it is?
lt's a miracle, that's what.
- All right.
- Absolutely miraculous.
Sending one platoon in here like that.
Plain crazy, Lieutenant.
How could he ever
dream up one like that?
Settle down. Long as we stay here,
we ought to be OK. They won't rush us.
How do you know, sir?
- Keep watching that town!
- Yes, sir. But how do you know, sir?
I don't know.
But analyse it. We're boxed. They know it.
All they gotta do is wait till
we stick up our heads, and... pow.
- Just like plucking possum.
- So what do we do, sir?