We sit tight and wait
till the company attacks in strength.
Is that what Cooney said?
That he'd back us up?
That's what the man said.
Well? What do you think?
Relax. You got here.
That means anybody could do it.
Yeah, maybe.
Except Captain Cooney, huh?
Take it easy. You don't see
the lieutenant worrying, do you?
- Wanna know what l think?
- What do you think?
The only one who ain't worrying
is Abramowitz there.
Snowden? The hell with being healthy.
- Give me a cigarette.
- (Costa) Shut up.
Fragile Fox Two to Fragile Fox One,
over to you.
Maybe he's too far, Lieutenant.
- Hey, Lieutenant!
- What?
- I thought l saw something.
- Where?
- On the road, just back of the steeple.
- What was it?
I don't know. A tank, a turret, something.
- I don't see anything.
- It pulled back.
- That's how it caught my eye.
- A truck?
- Yeah.
- Could very well have been a truck.
The way our luck's going,
it's gotta be a tank.
If they got tanks in there,
they'll nail us to the floor.
- You'd make great wall-to-wall carpeting.
- (Costa) Shut up, both of you.
Did you spot him? Ricks, you see him?
No, sir.
Fragile Fox Two to Fragile Fox One.
In order to get a shot at Bernstein,
he would have to be...
Yeah, sure. See? The church steeple. That
sacrilegious son-of-a-gun is in the belfry.
How do you know that?
Only place he can angle a shot at you.
- Can you see him?
- (Toliver) Not now, l don't.