If you can't see him,
how can you get a shot at him?
Strategy, Bernstein.
You step out front and bring me in
what you see by the stoop.
- Out front?
- Move.
Fragile Fox Two to Fragile Fox One,
do you read me? Over.
Fragile Fox One,
l read you loud and clear.
Is that you, Jackson? Over.
Yes, sir, it's me. Hold on, Lieutenant.
I'll get somebody. Over.
Captain, it's Lieutenant Costa
on the radio, sir.
See what's doing, Woody boy.
Go on, see what he wants.
You know what he wants, Captain.
All right, bare a hand here!
Get these men in there. Take it easy.
- This is Harry. What's the score? Over.
- Where's Cooney? Over.
- Harry, the town is heavily occupied.
- Ask him if Berlin's occupied.
Tell him Cooney's
a southern-fried schlemiel.
What? They caught us in the open
and they chopped us up. Over.
- You gonna rig a dummy to draw fire?
- You wanna volunteer?
- What a screwball idea.
- Yeah.
I repeat: they chopped us up!
The medics are picking
them up right now. Over.
Put this on him. It'll make him look real.
They are?
- First wounded are already coming in.
- So where's the support?
Tell Cooney we're pinned.
I repeat: we're pinned!
Doctor, l have a man in the balcony.
Look, you tell him
we're in that little ol' house.