Nicht! Wartet!
Es sind doch wir.
ErschieBen Sie mich nicht.
Ich habe drei Kinder.
How many tanks? One? Two?
Wie viele?
Acht, zehn. Und SS.
What'd he say?
He says the place is crawling
with mechanised stuff. And SS.
Fragile Fox Two to Fragile Fox One, over.
Woodruff... I can't hear you.
I can't hear you. Over.
Louder, Harry. I can't...
Hey, look! A tank!
(Toliver) The guy wasn't lying.
They'll flatten us.
What a way to reduce.
Are you receiving me? Over.
OK, get this: tanks are in here.
I don't know how many. We're pulling out!
I repeat: we're pulling out!
Request artillery and smoke cover.
Repeat: request artillery
and smoke cover. Over.