I have mortgaged myself
to satisfy your demands.
You told lies to my daddy
in order to get me.
Get you?
I ain't got you yet.
And you ain't about to either.
I'm telling you that if
the Ideal Furniture Company...
removes those five sets
of furniture from this house...
that agreement you spoke about
is automatically cancelled.
Now, would you kindly
go back in your own room?
I'm gonna get me a good job
while I'm in town today...
just in case,
just in case.
Admiring yourself in the mirror!
Just look at yourself.
You're not exactly a young girl's
dream come true.
There was an old witch
named Granny Crow...
wherever she spit,
no grass would grow.
That old witch must've spit
on the top of your head.
Thank you, thank you.
You're a woman not grown,
therefore I'll make allowances.
Aunt Rose screams
every time the phone rings.
What does she do
a fool thing like that for?
The phone ringing scares her.
Aunt Rose, why don't you
answer the phone?
Aunt Rose.
Aunt Rose.
Aunt Rose Comfort!
Why don't you answer?
I can't catch my breath
when it rings.
Answer it!