but I print a real good hand.
I don't know whether
we can use that.
You're awful young
to be a dentist.
I'm just getting started.
What's the matter with you?
I haven't been myself, John.
In what way?
Well, you're not an old man,
but you're not a young man either.
That's the truth, it's no lie.
How long have you been married?
About a year.
She's pretty.
Yeah, I guess so.
Been under some sort of a strain?
No, no strain at all.
You look mighty nervous to me.
I'm not nervous.
You'd have to know typing.
It's typing.
Awfully nice talking to you.
Yes, ma'am.
Mr. Meighan, come back in here.
The doctor's going to give you
a prescription.
Archie Lee, all I think you need
is a harmless sedative.
Take this down to old man Hogg,
and take it according to directions.
Here you are.
Don't forget your sweater.
It won't help what's wrong
with you one bit.
How you doing, Archie?
I've spent just about the whole day
sitting on Main Street.