Why didn't you bring me
a double dip?
How long are we gonna sit here?
I've got to wait
for my prescription.
What the hell's so funny?
Chinamen. People know
the situation between us.
Yesterday on Front St,
a man said to me...
"Has your wife
outgrowed her crib yet?"
Three or four others haw-hawed at me.
It was public humiliation.
Private humiliation
is just as painful.
There's no torture to equal
the torture...
which a cold woman
inflicts on a man.
There's no torture
to compare with it.
I've staked out a lot in hell,
with a rotten house on it...
and five sets of furniture
not paid for.
You've bit off more
than you can chew.
Archie Lee, is that our furniture?
No, no it isn't.
They're taking away our furniture,
go after them.
I've got to wait
for my prescription.
Mister, stop.
Come here. Come here.
Stop, please.
Let's get home before
they get the rest of it.
Baby Doll!
You better go get her?
I guess I better.
What would you do?
Get tough with her.
Easy to say.
Come on.
Look out, here comes trouble.
- What about those people, boss?
- Just keep loading.
Get out of my chair,
out of my chair!