Hey, this is real stuff. Just gimme this chick's
number, boy, and when I get state...
Give me that picture.
Let's see the picture, Gifford.
Let's see it.
I want the picture!
Hold it!
What's this about a picture?
You sound like a bunch of schoolgirls.
- He's got a picture we want to see.
- Of what?
- My wife.
- Oh, your wife.
You guys got nothing better to think about
than another guy's wife?
All right, Frances. Let me have the picture.
Come on, come on. Let me have the picture.
I ain't gonna look at it.
You got a pretty wife, Gifford?
I got a pretty wife.
About the prettiest wife in Waco, Texas.
I'll bet she's dating
more guys than you can count.
- Waco, don't start that again.
- Shut up!
Now, I don't like no bad blood
around headquarters.
All right, Frances, get out of here.
Go find yourself a hole to live in.
(door slams)
You know what you've done now, don't you?
You've got him started.
It'll take us all night to calm him down.
- He respects a man's wife.
- He don't respect nothin'.
And Waco ain't married.
Get goin', Gifford. You heard Waco.