Between Heaven and Hell

I hate to kiss and tread water too.
Let's get out.

There should be a statue
to the man who invented kissing.

- It was a woman.
- How do you know?

Kissing comes naturally to women.
Men have to be taught.

Like this.
Why is it every time we kiss
it's like the first time all over again?

Because I'm a witch
and I've woven a spell around you.

Don't break it.
- You know what I like about us?
- What?

We don't act like married people at all.
I'm not acting like
much of a businessman either.

- Here I am, wasting the whole morning.
- Oh?

No, really, honey, I should go out
and check on my sharecroppers.

- Haven't seen 'em for nearly three months.
- You said next time you'd take me with you.

Honey, you'd just be bored.
The only thing that bores me
is not being with you.

All right, Jenny.
It'll make the day a lot nicer.
