Hey! Hey!
Dig this.
Them's our replacements.
Replacements? Are you kiddin'?
Happens to be the marching and chowder
patrol, Troop 10 of the Boys Scouts of, uh...
the Boy Scouts...
Hey, what is the name of that country?
Amer... America.
- Good boy.
- Thank you.
Real pretty, wasn't they?
You know, I used to
look like that myself once.
- No.
- I think.
- Sam.
- Yes, Lieutenant?
The colonel wants to see you.
Hey, Chief?
They still sendin' us heroes home?
Anytime now, Meleski.
You're getting pretty friendly
with your croppers.
We work together pretty well.
Any reason why I shouldn't?
It's your life, Sam.
Reckon it is.
Sam, it's good to see you.
I wish I could do it more often.
- I know how busy you are, Colonel.
- Hey, you look a little tired.
I guess we all do.
We'll be off this devilish island
in another six hours.
Heard from Jenny lately?
Yes, sir. I got a dozen letters from her
just the other day.
Good. Next time you write to her,
tell her I'm putting you in for the Silver Star
for what you did at the cave.
- Bernie, Raker and Kenny were with me, too.
- Oh, they'll be taken care of.