Gifford, itjust dawned on me that I oughta
give a real live ex-noncom Silver Star winner
a test to see if he's still on the ball.
I want you to take a patrol,
go up to Norzagaray.
It's a lovely day for it, Gifford. Nice
and balmy, like they used to say in Honolulu.
Where is Norzagaray?
It's a lovely little town.
It's just around the corner from here.
- What do you want to know about it?
- What do I want to know? Let me see. Oh.
I want to know how many beer bottles
the Japanese tossed into the church.
Waco, you know they're using that place
for their headquarters.
Yeah, I know it. Gifford?
Count the number of guys
that threw the bottles, too.
And don't think you and the patrol
can goof off behind a hill
then come back and say
you scouted the place,
because I'm gonna have the outpost
check on you every 15 minutes.
All right, Frances, get lost.
Hold it. Let's take a break.
- Terry.
- Yeah?
Watch the trail.
(groaning) Oh, boy.
(Japanese voices in distance)