Bigger Than Life

More or less.
You want to go with me?
No, I'll take him in our car.
-All right.

I'll go ahead.
I'll see you there later.
Did he tell you anything
I should know?

He doesn't know anything yet.
It can't be very serious then.
Excuse me.
Good night.
-Good night, doctor.

Good night.
Good night, Richie.
Let's see if I forgot anything,
your toothbrush, your pyjamas...

Your sleepers!
I'll get those.
He should be sick on school
days and not on vacations.

Thanks for coming over.
-I'll take that.

Since your promoting
yourself breakfast in bed,...

:12:50 might as well going in style.
Come in here for a minute.
You're going to be head man
around here while I'm gone.

I want you to take good
care of your mother.

I'll look out for her.
Don't you worry.

That's the boy.
Look, it's a stewed prune!
Get the bike pump.

Coming up!
I 'brung' the needle-valve.
Hold the ball, and I'll
'brung' some air into it.

Okay, 'brought'.
Boy. I wish I would have been
there when you won that game.

Third string sub to
hero in 20 seconds.

Real last minute stuff.
You shouldn't kid about it.
You won the game for them.
-I sure was the High School hero.

It's yours.
To keep in my room?
Kick it around with the kids.
Maybe they'll make you captain.

Dad just gave me his foot-ball.
I'll tell Uncle Wally.
