Okay, I'll bring it in tomorrow.
Who was that?
-Bob Laporte.
All right. Right at me.
Come on.
Good boy.
You kids are going to
wreck something.
Don't be silly. Where's that
ball? Now throw me a pass.
That's the boy. How about sandwiches?
You ate half the roast at dinner.
I'm the healthy type now.
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Mr. Avery? How're you feeling?
Who is it?
This is Frank at the Cab Company.
Your doctor said me that you'd be
unable to work for awhile.
Wondered when you were
planning on coming back?
As a matter of fact, I'm not.
I'm planning something more
in line with my profession.
I wish you'd given us a warning.
You can do me a favour, though.
Have one of your drivers bring
the things in my locker to my home.
Okay, thanks.
Turn that thing off!
I hate to be a Killjoy, but
it's past Richie's bedtime.
Not, yet.
-Get going.
Yes, sir.
Good night, sir.
Good night, Mom.
-Good night, darling.
Ed, what's this new thing
you've got lined up?
Now don't you start picking on me!
Go upstairs.
I'll get you a glass of warm milk.