Hi, Ed.
Wally just dropped by.
-So I see.
Why don't you get him a bear?
-You know I don't drink.
Yes, Mr. Muscle Beach.
Isn't this nice.
My old pal entertaining
my wife while I'm at work.
I suppose this start while
I was in the hospital.
I didn't notice your car
outside as I drove in.
I walked, Ed.
Of course, exercise.
That magnificent physique.
What were you talking about?
We were just chatting.
-What about, exactly.
One thing and another.
What short memories.
-Yes, Ed!
I started to tell you...
...a whole new vista
suddenly opened up.
It's going to take
everything I've got.
But what a mission.
I could lead to a new type of
television program for adults.
It sounds fascinating.
Did you say that to
the Parent's group?
So you do remember what
were talking about.
Did you make a full report, Wally?
I'm sure you did.
This will be a wrench for both of us.
But I couldn't possibly
continue to live here.
This new project...
...I couldn't do it justice
in an atmosphere of...
...petty domesticity.
A man's wife...
...the woman he expected to
love for the rest of his life.
Then suddenly one
morning you're free,...
You'd simply had grown of her.
The way things turn out.
The way destiny imposes its
intentions at crucial moments.