I can't leave after all.
A man's first obligation is
to bring up his own son.
Some times we say more than we mean.
I know.
I think I'll go for a little ride.
Shall I come?
No thanks. I've to think,
want to clear my mind.
Want me to unpack your bags?
Might as well.
Shall I take my bike?
No, darling, you need not go now.
Come on. Shall we raid the icebox?
Listen, you, stupid!
I left my prescription blanks in
the car. May I've one of yours?
Are you a physician?
If I weren't, I couldn't write this.
If it would make you feel better,
I can go get my bag.
I guess this'll be all right, Doctor.
I'm in a hurry. My patient
is in the car...