Kiss me quick and go my honey
Kiss me quick and go
To cheat surprise and....
VlRGE: You're gonna wash yourself
away! What are you doing?
Ain't got this at home.
Shower and bath at the same time.
Bo, you have a terrible habit
of overdoing everything. Come on!
lf you're gonna dawdle,
l'm gonna step across the street.
That Blue Dragon seems interesting.
You go ahead. l'll be there
in a couple of minutes.
Wait outside!
Why aren't you outside
where you belong?
l've had enough of you, you
ignorant hillbilly. Get to work!
Better change into your costume.
-He called me an ignorant hillbilly!
-Ain't you?
Not ignorant,
but you do come from the Ozarks.
l ain't sung hillbilly since l was....
Well, not since l turned chanteuse.
l've been trying to be somebody.
Can you imagine Hildegarde
doing her number...
...sitting in some truck driver's lap?