-l don't know why you just don't quit.
-l can't.
Look! l don't get paid
till Wednesday.
l owe for my room and everything.
Besides that, it took me too long
to get this far.
-What's that line for?
-That line?
You might say that this line here
is a history of my life up till now.
-See right there where it starts?
That's River Gulch,
the little old town where l was born.
-l never even heard of it.
-Well, it ain't there anymore.
Floods washed us all away,
all except me and my sister, Nan.
l just picked her up
and took her along this line...
...till we got to Lubbock, Texas.
You know what happened there?
Nan got this job as a waitress,
and l worked in Liggett's Drugstore.
And this amateur contest opened...
...and Nan said to me,
''Why don't you enter that contest?
You've been watching people in movies.''
We used to live in the movies.
''You've watched people
put over their gestures.''
And so l did it, and l won it.
-First prize?
-No, second prize.
Two boys juggling milk bottles
won first prize.
Anyway, that's how
l got my direction and all.
-lf you don't have a direction...
...you keep going round in circles.
Look, you can see by this
just how straight my direction is.
River Gulch. This is where l am now.
And look where l'm going.
-Hollywood and Vine!
Look, straight as an arrow!
River Gulch...
...Hollywood and Vine!