VlRGE: Bo.
-Hold my hat.
-Where you going?
-You're sure a good singer.
-l'm a chanteuse.
That's why l call myself ''Cherie.''
That's my name, Cherie.
-That's all the name you've got?
-That's all you need.
Like Hildegarde.
She's a chanteuse too.
lt's French. lt means ''dear one.''
Beauregard is kind of French.
lt means something too.
-What's it mean?
-l ain't gonna tell. You'd laugh.
-No, l wouldn't.
-Yes, you would.
Honest, l wouldn't.
...it means ''good-looking.''
l never told that to a single person.
My ma was French.
That's a real pretty name.
You are too. Real beauregard.
Everybody just calls me Bo.
CHERlE: lt was nice how you made
everybody shut up.
Like you had respect for me.
You made them have respect too.
-l liked that.
-You did?
-Did you like me too?
At first, l thought you was
some kind of a hooligan...
...yelling and stomping like that.