He's in the rodeo.
You're safe till it's over.
Tell that cashier you gotta
have money...
...for your sick grandmother.
-My grandmother?
-l don't understand that boy.
-What's he got on his mind?
l'm gonna find her,
and l'm gonna marry her!
Get her off your mind
till after the rodeo.
l ain't gonna be
in the rodeo tonight.
lf you go to the rodeo,
l'll find her and hold her for you.
l'm not saying she'll marry you,
but she'll be at the Blue Dragon.
-Okay, Virge, if you promise.
-l promise.
My poor old grandmother's
sick. lf l could just have an advance.
The boss has to okay it.
He'll be back when the rodeo's over.
-Her grandmother'll be dead by then.
VlRGE: Let's have a little drink.
Come on.
l'm so dry, l'm spitting cotton.
Two whiskeys, miss.
Take it easy, l'm on your side.
l don't want him to marry you, neither.
-You don't?
-l sure don't.
l ain't good enough for him?
ls that it?
l didn't say that.
-Suppose he's as pure as driven snow.
-As a matter of fact, he is.
You trying to tell me--
He never even kissed a gal
before he met you.
He spent his whole life
pretty far out in the country.
l know what happens there.
l'm from the country myself.
l've been kissing boys since--
That's it. You're kind
of sophisticated for Bo.
He didn't kiss like it was
the first time.
Well, Bo picks things up real quick.
-First time?
-That's right.