Whatever gave you an idea like that?
Nice to see you. l was afraid
you got trampled in that crowd.
-Where you been, Bo?
-l had a couple of errands to run.
l bought us three tickets
for tonight's bus to Montana.
By the way...
...there's $4000 l got for winning
every event at the rodeo.
Except steer wrestling.
They gave me a bum steer.
Don't give me credit for that.
Another fella thought it up.
...our gear's packed and waiting
outside in the taxi.
We'll stop by Cherry's house
and get her suitcase.
Your nose is kind of shiny,
ain't it, Cherie?
Bo, the show is gonna start
in just a minute...
...and l gotta go powder my nose.
Wait, you're not gonna
do your show tonight.
-l ain't?
-You gotta go pack your suitcase.
lt's already packed--
l mean, l gotta go powder my nose.
Cherry, what's the matter with you?
Are you sick?
No, l ain't sick, Bo.
l just can't lie to you.
l can't marry you.
l ain't going to Montana with you.
-And goodbye forever.
-Cherry, wait a second. Cherry!
You ain't got the manners
they give a monkey!
l hate you and l despise you!
And give me back my tail!