Los Angeles, please. One way.
Los Angeles bus at Gate 2.
VlRGE: Wait a minute.
Help me unload this stuff.
Forget her, Bo.
You'll find somebody else.
Hank told me about this
new schoolmarm--
l don't want no schoolmarm!
l want Cherry.
Cherry! Cherry!
VlRGE: You just can't take people
places. There's laws against it.
-Which way is the Los Angeles bus?
-Here's your bus, lady. Through there.
Miss, to the rear of the line.
Cherry, don't get on that bus!
l made up my mind.
l ain't gonna take no for an answer.
Miss, stand to the rear.
What are you doing?
Anything l ever wanted in this life
l went out and got!
lf the ocean was whisky
And l was a duck
l'd swim to the bottom
And never come up
Rye whisky, rye whisky, rye whisky
l cry
lf l don't get rye whisky
l surely will die
So if l get boozy
My whisky's my own
And them that don't like me
Can leave me alone
Rye whisky, rye whisky, rye whisky
l cry
lf l don't get rye whisky
l surely will die
l'll eat when l'm hungry
l'll drink when....
l'm sorry to wake you,
but could you help me?
-What's the matter?
-l'm being abducted.
-You know, kidnapped. By him.