It'll take two weeks to heal.
My compliments,
and until we meet again. I'm sorry.
- It's just a scratch.
- No hard feelings?
- Especially as you didn't fight for Rollan.
- Really?
- It was for a woman. I like that.
- You're mistaken.
I hope not.
Is this the residence
of Princess Sorokowska?
Would you give her this bouquet?
Wait, my card.
The princess is not in Paris.
The ladies have moved
into Mr. Martin-Michaud's château.
is marrying the princess.
What will I do with these flowers?
I'll put them under the portrait
of our dear Prince Volodia.
Her poor husband.
My respects, Captain.
- I believe the weather'll be fair.
- I hope so, Captain.
- The cable's snapped!
- Blast it! And we're headed due east!