Don't you understand?
No more pearls.
I'd nothing left to sell but myself.
What did you want to ask?
Convince the general
to take power and save the country.
I gave him a daisy.
Someone destroyed
your good-luck charm.
- So you believe now?
- Today, I need to believe.
What you ask is very serious.
For the charm to work,
I can't worry about anything else.
Right now,
I have much to worry about.
- Martin-Michaud isn't serious!
- My marriage isn't serious?
One mission at a time!
You're beginning to understand.
With just a bit more effort,
you could be initiated.
That's all I ask.
Well, perhaps
Martin-Michaud can wait.
He's in fine shape,
with a long life ahead.
Then I accept,
especially because
I know how
to resolve Vidauban's arrest.
Where is the general?
You'll enjoy riding Salomé.
She's as sweet as a little girl.
Thank you.
Did you come to France alone?
Did Prince Sorokowski stay
in Poland?
My poor, dear husband is dead.
He was a wonderful person.
So sweet, so emotional,
it was almost unhealthy.
He had an unfortunate passion
for making bombs.
- Our palace was full of them.
- How inconvenient.
Bombs, really?
- To throw at the czar.
Volodia was very clumsy.