to the planetary system of
the great main sequence star, Altair.
- When do we get a D.C. fix, Jerry?
- Half a minute, Skipper.
Ship on course, sir.
We'll reach D.C. point at 1701.
That's less than three minutes now.
- All right, take it away.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Chief, we'll drop back below light speed
in about three minutes.
- Got your breakable gear stowed?
- Aye, aye, sir.
All right. Good.
D.C. set and punched on, Skipper.
All right, attention. Captain to crew.
All hands squared away to decelerate.
Ship's beeper will, as usual,
sound ten times after lights dim.
- Come on, Doc. D.C., Bosun.
- Aye, aye, sir.
D.C. stations, on the double.
Wanna bounce through this one?