Forbidden Planet

Meanwhile, this ship
arranges its own eclipses.

Okay, Jerry, punch out
an orbit on the fourth planet.

Aye, aye, Skipper.
Ship in approach, Skipper.
Helical vector oriented.

Captain to crew. Attention.

Our destination, Altair-4,
is now visible on the main view-plate.

As you'll recollect from your briefing
lectures, this is an Earth-type planet.

Twenty years ago, the spacecraft
Belerephon landed here...

with a prospecting
party of scientists.

Our mission is to search for survivors.
That is all.

The Lord sure makes
some beautiful worlds.

How do these continents
check with the old charts?

Be able to tell you better in a while,
Skipper. It's time for brakes.

Okay, take it away.
Astrogator to crew.
Stand by to change flux.

Another one of them new worlds.
No beer, no women,
no pool parlors, nothing.

Nothing to do but throw rocks at tin
cans, and we gotta bring our own cans.

Attention. Captain to crew.
We are now entering
the atmosphere of Altair-4.

No survival suits
will be required upon landing.
