Won't you come in?
Whatever that lunch was,
it was certainly delicious.
Simply some of Robby's synthetics.
- He's your cook too?
- Even manufactures the raw materials.
Come around here, Robby.
I'll show you how this works.
One introduces a sample of human food
through this aperture.
Here there's a small built-in chemical
laboratory where he analyzes it.
Later he can reproduce identical
molecules in any shape or quantity.
Why, it's a housewife's dream.
Plus absolute selfless obedience.
Activate the dispose-all unit.
A household disintegrator beam.
Put your arm in there.
Order cancelled.
Don't attribute feeling
to him, gentlemen.
Robby is simply a tool.
Tremendously strong, of course.
He could quite easily topple
this house off its foundation.
In the wrong hands, mightn't
such a tool become a deadly weapon?
No, Doctor, not even though I were the
mad scientist of the tape thrillers...
because, you see, there happens
to be a built-in safety factor.
Commander, may I borrow that
formidable-Iooking side arm of yours?
Thank you.
Robby, point this thing at that
althaea frutex out there on the terrace.
You understand the mechanism?