Forbidden Planet

Easy with this core. Our M.G. coils
won't take us home without it.

Come on, Cookie, out of the way.
You wanna get run over?

Handle it gently.
It has to get us home.

- Is it far enough away from the ship?
- Sure. No interference there.

- What about the magnetic pull?
- Bosun, drop the thing down over there.

Aye, aye, sir.
Where do you wish
the shielding stacked, sir?

You can just put it right over
there by the core, thank you.

Wait a minute.
That's solid lead he's carrying.

Common lead would have
crushed the vehicle, sir.

This is my morning's run
of isotope 217.

The whole thing
hardly comes to ten tons.

Hello, Alta.
Does your father know you're here?
He did tell me not to go near the ship,
but this isn't very near.

- Cookie, out of here.
- Aye, aye, sir.

Yes, sir.
Commander, put me down, sir!
- Commander.
- What is it, Chief?

If you'd like
to check my assembly...

for the monitor unit
of the Klystron transmitter...

- What, already?
- Yes, sir.

Are... are these condensers
out of my accelerator circuits?

Yes, sir. I borrowed some solenoids
from your gyrostabilizers too.
