this planet was the home of
a mighty and noble race of beings...
which called themselves the Krell.
as well as technologically...
they were a million years
ahead of humankind...
for in unlocking
the mysteries of nature...
they had conquered
even their baser selves...
and when, in the course of eons,
they had abolished sickness...
and insanity and crime
and all injustice...
they turned,
still with high benevolence...
outward toward space.
Long before the dawn of man's history,
they had walked our Earth...
and brought back
many biological specimens.
I see. That explains
the tiger and the deer.
The heights they had reached...
but then, seemingly on the threshold
of some supreme accomplishment...
which was to have crowned
their entire history...
this all but divine race
perished in a single night.
In the 2,000 centuries
since that unexplained catastrophe...
even their
cloud-piercing towers...
of glass and porcelain
and adamantine steel...
have crumbled back into
the soil of Altair-4...
and nothing, absolutely nothing
remains above ground.
What were they like?
No record of their
physical nature has survived...
except, perhaps, in the form
of this characteristic arch.
I suggest you consider it
in comparison to one of our...
functionally designed human doorways.
That recording was made by Krell
musicians a half a million years ago.
If you will follow me, I will show you
some of their other remaining artifacts.