Good evening, Brother Birdwell!
Hello, there.
There must be some mistake.
This gentleman says thee's mixed up...
...with this musical instrument.
"Mixed" is scarcely the word for it.
It's gone beyond courting to marriage.
Your husband...
Thy husband is now the proud
and lucky owner of a Payson and Clarke.
This organ. This substitute on earth
for choiring angels.
Father Birdwell, why keep
the lady in suspense?
You just give me a hand
and we'll get it inside.
We must step delicately.
My wife is a Quaker minister.
You may know all about
Quaker ministers, but I know women.
What a woman wants is a good,
firm hand and a strong voice.
Not Eliza.
Wait until you hear your husband...
...when he seats himself
at this console.
You know, you are married to an artist.
I forbid thee to have this instrument!
For thy own sake, I forbid.
When thee asks...
...or suggests...
...l'm like putty in thy hands.
But when thee forbids,
thee is barking up the wrong tree.
- Come on, Quigley.
- I don't know what's come over thee.
Bringing a thing like this here.
And me a recorded minister!
Thee order that instrument back
to where it came from.
I bought it and I'm going to keep it.
I don't know what's come over thee.
I'm warning thee...
...if thee takes that instrument
into the house, I go out.