Friendly Persuasion

:22:00 a slow road.
- and let not my sins
rest upon my children.

Above all, spare my wife, Eliza.
And I pray that she shall find,
in her kind...

...and loving heart, the grace and mercy
to forgive me my grievous shortcomings.

In the name of Adam...
...who ate the forbidden fruit,
of Abraham...

...whose sin was jealousy, in the name
of Moses, who lost the Promised Land...

:22:23 the name of David who...
...of David who...
...hankered after
that which was forbidden...

:22:28 the name of Jeptha,
Jeremiah, Obediah...

...Habakkuk and Malachi...
...and Malachi...
Thee has been an instrument
of the Lord this night.

Thy prayer carried me so near
to heaven's gates...

...I thought I heard the choiring
of angel voices...

...and the playing of heavenly harps.
Thy prayer has answered our questions.
Thy flesh may be weak, Jess Birdwell...
...but thy spirit is as strong
as thy voice.

Amen to that.
Thank thee for paying us
this call, Friend.
