...and forever...
...and forever.
Tucking thee in again. How many times
does thee think I've done that?
I don't know.
I understand thy being carried away.
But our ways are ways of peace.
And thee loves peaceful ways.
I do.
If thee turns thy back on everything
I've taught thee and prayed for...
...thee turns thy back on me.
No, Mother, not on thee.
Yes, son.
On me.
But I have to do what's right.
Thee will, son.
God will give thee the strength.
Dear God in heaven,
watch over Joshua.
Make him a witness
for the peace on earth...
...for which Thy Son died.
In His name do I ask it.
Before thee sleeps,
promise me thee'll pray.
I promise.
Good night, son.
I have faith in thee.