Chopping wood?
We burn wood every winter, Purdy.
Pretty soon thee'll have no house
to burn wood in.
Some of Morgan's thieving men
burnt my barn...
...stole my horses
and cleaned out my smokehouse.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Thee is welcome to anything I've got.
No, thanks. If thee wants to help...
...pick up a gun and fight...
...the same as I'm doing.
I'm not ready to do that.
What does thee aim to do?
Sit here and turn the other cheek?
That's what I aim to do...
...if I can.
Thee's got to face the fact that wartime
calls for another kind of thinking.
Your thinking may have changed,
but you haven't.
Last week, you told my son
he'd go to hell for fighting.
This week you tell Jess to fight.
Whatever's right for Purdy's got
to be right for everybody else?
If you're so hell-bent to fight,
get going!
If it's peace thee wants, Jess Birdwell,
thee won't get it chopping wood.
Did they hurt thy place?
No, Jess.
Just thought I'd ride toward the river,
see how the boys are getting on.
One more man at the fort
won't make a hoot of difference.
If there's any fighting to be done,
I'll do it for both of us.
I'd like to see someone hold out
for a better way of settling things.