I would have done anything for him.
So that's how I got into Giant.
I never once told him the part was small.
I didn't have the guts after that.
I was thrilled to be working with him.
My history with Giant was
that I had graduated from college...
and was supposed to go
into the Air Force...
but the Korean War ended,
so I had one year with nothing to do.
I spent most of that year
working with my father on the screenplay.
He and Fred Guiol and lvan Moffat
would meet each day...
out in Dad's apartment
on Riverside Drive...
in North Hollywood,
and we'd sit and work on the screenplay.
Then my time came
to go into the Air Force...
and I had time to serve
my two years in the Air Force...
visit the locations
in Charlottesville, Virginia...
Marfa, Texas, and here at the studio...
serve my time and get out
just in time to work with my father...
on the completion of the editing...
the scoring of the music with
Dimitri Tiomkin here on the Warner lot...
and the release of the picture.
I was in Marfa for about six weeks.
I remember when I arrived there....
It's out in the middle of nowhere.
It's a tiny little town. A cattle town.
One of the really strange things about it...
is that Marfa was so small,
and we had a very large crew...
and a very large cast.
There weren't really
any living accommodations.
A lot of people had to live
quite far out of town.
I lived in a house
with five of the actresses...
Fran, who played my sister,
and Jane Withers...
and Mercedes McCambridge.
I'm trying to think who else.
I was one of them, of course.
There was one other.
Five of us in this house.
I had just recently been married.
I was only married like four months.
My husband couldn't come to visit.
This was a house of all girls,
and there was no place to put him up.
I'm not sure he quite believed me
when I said this.