His parents had been actors
in the theater at the turn of the century.
As a young man,
he went out into Montana and Utah...
at first as a camera loader,
and then an assistant cameraman...
and he actually lived
with Westerners, cowboys...
who still dated back to that period.
He always had
a great feeling for the West.
In his films,
he went to tremendous lengths...
for authenticity.
That the clothes looked real.
He never liked to call....
They refer to the costume department.
He always called them clothes.
If you look at James Dean, Jett Rink...
the clothes he wears,
they're clothes he's lived in.
The sweat and the band of the hat...
and the dirt.
Dad would always say
that a man like this only has two shirts.
So those shirts would be worn...
and stained, and look lived in.
When you take a Hollywood company...
into a town, a small town...
they can be very put off by that company.
Not Marfa.
The first night, they said,
"Do you want to go see the rushes?"
I said, "Sure."
We went to the old theater.
It's no longer there. It burned down.
This old theater.
They were running hours and hours...
of the barbecue...
and they used all these people
from Marfa in the barbecue as extras.
It seemed forever.
So much footage of just cattle.
Elizabeth and Rock sitting
on their horses watching cattle.
It seemed to me
the entire town had turned out...
and was sitting in that theater.
It was packed. You couldn't get a seat.
That was so smart of George to do that.
He made the town feel like they were
really in on the joke...