High Society

l think Tracy was awful
mean to divorce Dexter.

Can l have this?
Oh, and take those presents
over to the other table.

Mother, Tracy's sort of hard, isn't she?
Not hard. None of my children are
that, l hope. The goblets too.

Tracy's just exceptionally

And very wonderful always.
l wish something would
happen around here.

Nothing definitely ever happens here.
Out of the way, angel.
You'll get stepped on.

So far, l've received 24 nut dishes
and 1 6 silver ice picks.

That should give you an idea of what
people think of your next husband.

Mother, don't you think Caroline's old
enough to go to a good military school?

-What's this?
-l haven't the faintest idea.

-lt stinks.
-Don't say stinks, darling.

lf absolutely necessary, ""smells,""
but only if absolutely necessary.

lf you put this picture in my
wedding presents once more...

...l'm going to personally
chain you to your bed.

Why, what is it, dear?
-He was handsome.
-Don't talk of him as if he were dead.

Well, he is dead to me.
And if that picture turns up once more,
it's going right in the ashcan.

Well, look at this.
-Wow. Jewels.
-From Father.

lsn't it pretty?
His girlfriend probably turned it down.
-That's not fair to your father.
-How can you defend him?

A common chorus girl.
She's not a chorus girl.
She's quite a talented ballet dancer.

lsn't it stinking of Tracy
not to invite Father to the wedding?

Yes, Caroline. Just between us,
it's good and stinking.

Me too.
Oh, darling, why don't you
face facts squarely as l did?

We might face the fact that neither
of us has been a great success as a wife.

We both took the only stand a woman
could take and keep her self-respect.

-Yes, dear.
-The Hammonds.

And now l have my self-respect
and no husband.
