You all right?
-Yes. l-- l was just--
-l know. Half asleep.
Say, aren't you a pretty big girl
to be playing with boats?
lt's a model of the True Love.
A wedding present from Dexter.
We spent our honeymoon on her.
Oh my, she was yare.
Yare? What's yare?
Sleek, quick to the helm,
everything a boat should be.
lt seems hardly in good taste
as a wedding present.
George, the true love
never really existed with Dexter.
l want you to know that.
l do know.
That's the wonderful thing about you.
You're untouched by this
foolish first marriage.
There's a beautiful purity about you...
...like a statue to be worshipped.
But l don't want to be worshipped.
l want to be loved.
That goes without saying. But l also want
you up on a pedestal where you belong.
Where l can look up and adore you.
Never mind.
Tracy, aren't you going in, dear?
-l've changed my mind.
-Mr. Lord...
...l haven't had a chance to thank you yet
for coming back for the wedding.
lt was very decent of you
and we both appreciate it.
Well, thank you, George.
l felt my wife would not object.
George, we moved your things
to make room for those magazine people.
-You don't mind, do you?
-Anything you do is all right with me.