High Society

Get in.
Are you learning anything
about the idle rich?

Yeah, they drive too fast.
Where we headed anyway?
-The graveyard.
-l'm not ready.

l thought l'd show you the playground
of the rich, the graveyard of wealth.

Well, for that l'm ready.
Beautiful, isn't it?
The grass needs cutting.
lt's been boarded up for 1 5 years.
-The high cost of being rich.

Most of the homes here are closed up
or sold for taxes.

Why don't you write about that?
You've got a chip on your shoulder
about me. Why?

Because you came here
with your mind already made up.

The time to make up your mind
about people is never.

-l had an opinion.
-Unfavorable and unfair.

Really? What exactly do you do
around here that's so worthwhile?

Do you consider what you do worthwhile?
Making a living off people's
personal lives and misfortunes?

-l cannot pick and choose.
-You could be anything you wanted to be.

But you'll never be a first-class writer
or human being...

...until you learn to have some
compassion or regard for human....

-You were saying?

This is the second time you've
taken me for a ride. l don't like it.

-Really, Miss Tracy Samantha.

Samantha. What a lovely, musical name.
