When we were married, that phone would
always ring and she'd never bat an eye.
She's a very remarkable girl.
l recall--
l prefer not to discuss Tracy
with you, if you don't mind.
You've got a very big day tomorrow.
Let me walk you to the gatehouse.
-That sounds like Tracy.
-No, that's the night watchman.
-lt's a woman's voice.
-Well, he's a lyric tenor, you see.
That's right.
-George, honestly, l think you should go.
Okay, but you're never gonna understand.
That's nice. That's nice.
You can sing for me anytime, Tracy.
-Take me upstairs, Mike.
Oh, hello, Georgie Porgie.
She sprained her ankle?
Not wounded, sir, but dead.
She dove in the pool. And when she
hit the water, the wine hit her.
-You expect me to believe that, Connor?
-l don't give a--
lt's right up at the top of the stairs.
Second door to the right.
-Fairies are at the bottom of my garden.
-l know.
-They're all ringing little bells.
l wouldn't go jumping at conclusions.
This isn't all that meets the eye here.
Tracy, of all people.
Yes, Tracy, of all people.
But you don't believe....
The implications aren't exactly
what they seem.
-l suppose you think it's innocent.
-l'm sure the intention was innocent.
You don't know women
as well as l thought you did.
How could she do this to me?
ln the morning, Tracy won't
remember a thing that happened tonight.
-l think you ought to forget about it too.
-Oh, you and your sophisticated ideas!