Sam, if you're gonna drink champagne,
you ought to take a swim.
Nothing like a swim, you know,
to open the eyes.
Now they're open.
What do you say we slip into the pantry
and have a little toddy for the body?
lf it gets dull around here, have Caroline
tell you about her dream. lt's a dilly.
You.... You all right?
Me? Of course.
Why shouldn't l be?
-You put away a gang of wine last night.
-l had a simply wonderful evening.
-l hope you enjoyed it too.
-Oh, yes, l sure did. lndeed l did.
Especially the last part of it.
Why especially the last?
You're asking me?
Oh, you mean the swim?
We did swim and so forth, didn't we?
Yeah, we swam and so forth.
-What can l say, darling?
-Oh, not anything. Don't say anything.
And especially not darling.
You mean you're going through with it?
The wedding?
Why shouldn't l?
No regrets about last night?
Why should l have?
That's the stuff, Tracy.
You're wonderful!