I'll bet. A blue one
with the brass buttons.
Wish I would've been there.
I bet you I would've gotten my share.
He ranted and raved whenever
we got news of a battle.
You did right to stay here,
Clint. You did fine.
I love my bonnet. You boys shouldn't
have spent what little you got on me.
That's a mighty poor gift,
Ma, for all you've given us.
Hey! Look here.
A brand new Sunday-go-to-meeting suit.
That's a present for you.
From all of us.
For me? It must've cost a fortune.
- Where'd you get money?
- We had some saved up.
- We still got a few dollars left.
- That's more than we got.
Sit down while everything's hot.
Come on, Clint.
You're hungry, aren't you?
Dear Lord, I thank you most kindly for
bringing my boys home safe and sound.