Those may have been your orders...
...but the war was already over...
...and had been since noon
of the preceding day.
- Any idea what he's talking about?
- No.
He's got us mixed up.
We found one of the men
who got away with you...
...and we recovered his share
of the money.
- He told us who stole the rest.
- He's lying.
Don't be foolish. I've known you
since you was knee-high.
I'd hate to see you get into trouble.
If you got the money, give it back.
We didn't steal any money, Ed.
Well, that's possible,
but we mean to make sure.
The paymaster can identify the men
who took the money.
We're taking you to him.
Someone wants to see us,
you bring him here.
We're not leaving.
We hoped you'd make no trouble,
but you're all three under arrest.
We're taking you into Tyler.
Get your horses.
You got no right to do this!
They never lied or stole from nobody.
Stay out of this, Clint.
Go on. Get the horses.
Now, don't worry, Ma.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Don't you worry.
Don't worry, Martha.
I'll go with them.
If that man recognizes you,
we're done for.
How can he?
We were bearded then.
He can't tell us now from Adam.
What happened, Mr. Vance?
You boys in some trouble?
Nothing serious, Jethro.