It ain't legal, Vance, or moral.
Confederacy can use
that money more than us.
You're right. Tomorrow we're taking
this money to General Randall.
Well, we tried anyway.
Let's get into this grub.
- Regiments broke camp and moved out.
- But where to?
General said they'd
wait for us right here.
Been away eight days.
Might've been attacked.
Or ordered away all of a sudden.
We better ride into
Claysville and find out.
What's your regiment?
Fifth Louisiana Rifles,
or what's left of them.
Where's Randall's outfit?
The cavalry disbanded
two or three days ago.
Scattered so as
not to give up the horses.
You fellows should do likewise
before the Yanks confiscate them.
Wait a minute. What are you
talking about? What happened?
What's happened?
You mean you ain't heard?
General Lee surrendered
to Grant five days ago.
Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.
- Surrendered? You're crazy.
- No, that's a fact, lieutenant.
All of us gave up our guns
in Shreveport last Monday.
So war's over.
We can all go home.